Thursday, November 25, 2010

Blast From the Past

Back In March Gainesville Magazine did an Article on Spring Cocktails and featured an old family recipe of mine and one of my personal creations.  They did the Shoot at Sharab Lounge and were sweet enough to let me grace the pages of their magazine. Check it out.

The Swamp Collins is actually better know as a Buzzy Bucket in my Family; where they are enjoyed at my extended family's annual reunion/shitshow vacation at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri.  The Buzzy bucket was both named after and Invented by my Uncle Dwight, who earned the name Buzzy from enjoying a few too many gin buckets himself.  The Buzzy Buckets typically make their way out after a day day of B&B (not Benedictine and Brandy, but Beer and Boating) so they tend to make things pretty interesting.  The buckets are typically passed around whilst sitting dockside as an accoutrement to whatever light beer is being enjoyed and always ensure good stories the next morning/afternoon.  So as an homage to Dwight and to let the patrons of Sharab enjoy this tasty treat I slimmed it down to a single serving with this recipe:

The Swamp Collins
2oz Magellan Gin
2 Barspoons of Powdered Sugar
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
Juice of 1/2 Lime
1-2 Drops of Vanilla Extract
Top with Sprite

I definitely recommend the Magellan as the Gin of Choice for this cocktail as it's flavor profile is perfectly suited for citrusy and sweet additions, not only that but it gives the Cocktail that sexy blue hue.  If you are feeling adventurous enough feel free to ask for it in its original bucket form.

The Brazilian Daiquiri was one of my initial ventures into the world of cachaca a few years back and has been a go to cocktail of mine.  It's a heavy hitter thats strong, sweet, and unique that goes down a little too easy.  My personal favorite cachaca to use is Moleca, the Gold if you can find it.  The Moleca has a great heavy and sweet body that really pops when its mixed with citrus, and its extremely smooth from being double distilled.  I prefer it greatly over the likes of Sagatiba, Boca Loca, Leblon, and Cachaca 51.  My recipe is as follows:

The Brazilian Daiquiri
2oz Moleca Cachaca
1oz Fragoli Italian Strawberry Liqueur
Juice of 1/2 Lime
A Light Splash of Simple Syrup
A Light Squeeze of Strawberry Puree

I typically build the drink in a shaker and shake the hell out of it to completely break up the strawberries from the Fragoli and serve in a pint or collins glass.

Until next time Saude!


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